Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 2, 2010

A french chandelier paired with a farm table

This antique french chandelier is one of my favorite chandeliers that I own. There is something about it that is just so beautiful. I got this one for a really good deal.   I have seen them on ebay for 4 times the price I paid.   If you want to find one for a great price, you have to realize you are going to have to probably buy one that isn't perfect.

It doesn't have all of it's original crystals, which I don't mind.

It has the prettiest little glass beading that goes around its entire frame. This is one of my favorite details. They glisten in the light and at night.

My husband added the 100 year old ceiling tin to this recessed ceiling area. My sister found this tin at a salvage yard in New Hampshire for practically nothing... (sadly it isn't in business anymore) She kindly informed me about them and sent them my way. She knew I had been obsessively searching everywhere for 24 pieces of tin that were exactly the same. I painted the tin a high gloss ultra white. I was really happy how it turned out!

I love how the chandelier looks against the tin.

I love how it looks hovering over this farm table in my living room. I love pairing something pretty like this chandelier with an old farm table. I think it helps ground the overall look!

I have another new blog friend to share with all of you! I am just loving her style (she loves whites as well). She is an interior designer named Lulu. (I just love her name) She has a beautiful blog. 

I also want to direct you to Marley & Lockyer. She also has a fabulous blog. Ness has a giveaway that she is doing on her blog right now. She is giving away some of her own handmade items from her store. She makes the sweetest pillows and most adorable clay tags. I can think of a million things I would want to do with these tags. What I love about her pillows is everything about that pillow is done by Ness. She sews them, tea stains them herself, and prints her own design (my favorite is the la ballon design) on them. I am wondering when she will start harvesting her own cotton for the material. This girl is amazing! I can hardly wait to purchase a few from her.
You could be the lucky winner!
Have a wonderful day!

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